Monday, April 7, 2014

Water Wars

Use less water! Water wars are occurring everywhere, so it is important to reduce water usage. Years ago, Poland Springs started using commercials to influence the human race in thinking tap water was unhealthy. Commercials made us think it was a good idea in the first place, but in reality, consumers are only to blame for the increased purchases of bottled water. Our federal government, with all the powers of the people, has done very little to stop the extra amount of plastic waste from the bottled water in landfills. There are ways to combat this issue on an individual level.
 Steps to change water patterns:
  • In the shower, while the hot water works its way up the pipes, use a pot to collect cold water to provide a drink for your indoor plants.
  • Empty pet's old water bowl in household plants
  •  Set up rain barrier around the house for water collection to use to water the garden
  • When washing hands, do not let the water just run
  •  Wash dishes in the sink instead of using a dishwasher repeatedly
How do you reduce the amount of water used in your home?

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! One way that we conserve water is to limit out toilet flushing...
    "If it's yellow let it mellow....." I'm sure you've heard the rest!
